Also, the lighting is often too bright for dancing,” said Samantha from South Boston. A lot of bars play okay music but it’s just not the type of music you would dance to. In Boston, most bars are for standing and talking only. “When I lived in Atlanta there were way more bars to go to that had good music and dancing. from Back Bay called Boston, “a liberal city whose nightlife is imprisoned in a chastity belt.” Readers who have lived in other cities say Boston is great in many ways but it doesn’t stack up to the nightlife they’ve experienced elsewhere. “City’s not boring, but zoning laws prevent bigger capacity bars, and a lack of late-night food truck options force people to head home early,” said Sam M.
Even though most readers say Boston has some serious work to do to boost the late-night scene, a number of other readers take issue with our implication that the current night-life culture makes the city dull.